Mukti-seller was a small feature in Lazada’s Product Description Page (PDP), where end-users got connected to other sellers selling the same product but with different offers. The challenge of this project was to find a good way for end-users to compare the offers between the main seller and other sellers.

Explore & define

For easy comparison, the information must be clear and synchronized. To create a pattern for end-users to scan through easily from the PDP to the Multi-seller page, we:

  • Listed down all the information that end-users could compare on the PDP.
  • Grouped them into 3 main groups – Seller info, Delivery info, and Service info.
  • Defined which information the end-users would need to do a comparison on Multi-seller page
  • Set priority for each element

Design solutions:

PDP page: We re-arranged the Delivery info, Service info, and Seller info into separate sections. The purpose was to synchronize the information so that end-users could be related to when they get to the Multi-seller page.

Multi-seller page: We had a list of other sellers displayed in card style and selectable. On each card, we had Seller info fixed. Other information like Delivery info, Service info, and Promo info were scrollable like a carousel on each card.