This project aimed to improve the sellers’ store detail page. There were 2 parts. One was on the consumer side, which was the store detail page on The other was on the seller side, which is the tool for sellers to self-customize their store pages.  I was in charge of developing a tool on Seller Center, it’s called Store Decoration.

Explore the problem:

  1. User needs: Sellers who sell products from well-known brands wanted to have more catchy layouts for their store pages. They wanted to have more layout options to communicate their brand’s images.
  2. Business requirement: The business wanted sellers to purchase a “premium package” in order to access more layouts.​​​​​​​
  3. The existing tool: The Store Decoration was one fixed page layout with editable widgets. Hence, this design wasn’t capable to add more layouts for users to customize for their stores. Some main problems like:
    • Mobile Simulator screen: Users had to preview their store page within a small mobile screen. It was difficult for them to see the overall store page when having more than 5 layout widgets.
    • Customize Section: the hierarchy between All Widgets (overview of all widgets) and Widget Detail (detail section of a widget where user) was confusing. It was designed as tabs, every time sellers clicked on a widget on the Mobile Simulator screen, the tabs kept switching. It was hard for sellers to manage and follow up on long content with different layout widgets

Decide what to fix:

PM and I did a quick benchmark on Lazada and Shopee’s Store Decoration tool. We also spend time learning from other content creation tools like Behance, WordPress, and Canva. We then:

  • Came up with a Layout Library containing different layout options for sellers to decorate their store pages.
  • Categorized the layouts into widget types like Banner, Category, Collection, Coupon, and Product list. In each widget type, we have basic and premium layouts:
    • Basic layouts, which contain minimum information for a standard store on Tiki (like banner, product list, category list, and coupon list)
    • Premium layouts, which contain animations and interactions showcasing products and brand messages (like carousel banners, videos, collections, and photo grids)
  • Removed the Mobile Simulator screen to let sellers preview more widgets of store-page than just limit them to preview within a small mobile screen.
  • Added a section called “Add widget” in between every default widget to allow sellers to add new layouts. This section allowed sellers to access to Layout library.
  • For the hierarchy of Customize Section, we removed the tabs and let users deep-dive into each widget to be able to edit the detail of that widget.
  • We also had a section called “Widget layout” in the Customize Section. Sellers could switch layouts within a layout type. This aimed to let sellers quickly preview different layouts before modifying content. 

Adoption rate

After a month of launching the Store Decoration Library, 100% of premium sellers got access to premium layouts, and 25.25% of them started to customize their store pages.