It was my escape to Tà Năng – Phan Dũng in February 2019. I was a lost soul, and fate brought me to see this gentleman during my tough times. This person and the trip inspired me to keep walking forward. My time spent with him helped me to be able to see the ordinary beauties of everyday life.

His name is Hoàng. He was 1 of the trekking guides from Tổ Ong Adventure, taking a group of 12 people on 30km of mountain trekking to explore the forest from Lâm Đồng to Bình Thuận. Hoàng is slim, medium height. He has short dark hair and tanned skin. My first impression of him was his eyes. His eyes were joyful when sharing about navigating and living in the wild. At the end of each story, he always stated “You can ask me anything about trekking”.

Mountain hiking to me is a colorful journey.


My first steps on the trail were ~ Grey ~ , my feet kept walking but my mind was with the heavy tension in the office. I was burnt out from work. I left everything behind, but couldn’t release myself from what held me back. Luckily, Hoàng’s voice pulled me back to reality. He pointed me to a landmark with up and down hills “Hey sis! look this way, it looks like Microsoft Windows wallpaper”.

I stared at the hills for a while and began moving my feet. Surprisingly, I saw lots of ~ Green ~ from that moment. I became more mindful when walking. I became aware of my surroundings. I could even sense the calmness of trees, leaves, flowers, rocks, insects, animal poops, and many more.

As I continued to walk a bit longer, the sun shone strongly above my head, the terrain was deserted. My skin turned ~ Red ~ . I got dizzy from high altitudes. I was not good at steeply high treks. My steps became heavy. I was nervous and about to give up. Again, I heard Hoàng’s voice echoing behind us “Keep walking forward everyone, rest if you are tired but don’t give up yet”. He then instructed me how to breathe, walk, and sip water. With those survival tips, I began capable of walking among other fellows.

My family and friends had looked at me askance when I told them I heading off for a walk with strangers. Well… I wanted an escape, that’s why I didn’t mind who I’d travel with. Apart from guiding us through the wild, Hoàng and his team also helped me to realize that it was such a ~ joy ~ joy walking with strangers. Some of them immediately opened up and shared their life stories. Some just revealed tiny snippets of who they are. Listening to their stories made me recognize, appreciate, and empathize with people’s differences.

Hard work always paid off!!! It was time for a reward, ~ glorious sunset ~. We all finally made it to the top of a hill and set up tents for camping. I loved how the sun shone down on us and our tents. My favorite part of watching the sunset was when the sun lights slipped below the horizon, and its final colorful rays lit up the sky. Yes!!! ~ the afterglow ~ . Although it was my first time trekking in the wild, I wanted to give up many times. But Hoàng and the fellows gave me the afterglow of satisfaction when the trip was over.

It was a healing trip to reset my body and mind.

Even though the Sun is no longer visible, its impact is breathtaking.

danchi, the designer