It was a calm and windy afternoon. I sat on a couch behind this gentleman. I call him “Ba”. Ba means Dad in Southern Vietnam. We went to our local bank to do some paperwork. Due to the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to keep a distance of at least 1 meter from each other. So, I had a chance to stare at my Dad’s back for a while.

I remember the old days when my dad rode me and my sister to school on his Honda 67. I used to lean upward so I could observe the streets over his shoulders. It had been like 30 years. I noticed my Dad’s hair color had changed from dark to grey. The only thing that remains the same is his shoulders. I still feel comfort and peace whenever looking at his shoulders.

My Dad is now 70. He’s retired but always wants to keep himself busy. He has a small farmhouse in Long An (40 kilometers away from our home). He raises chickens and grows fruit trees. He always brings home lots of fresh fruits like plums, guavas, papayas, jackfruits, grapefruits, and coconuts…. Sometimes, chicken eggs or chicken meat. As he enjoys farming, we enjoy eating. 😌

I admire how my Dad spends his retirement time farming.

It’s difficult to use words to describe my thoughts and feelings for him (even in Vietnamese). I don’t usually speak to my dad. It’s always just formal talks. Although he’s been supportive and understanding most of the decisions I had and have made for my career path. I think we both are connected by an invisible string. Even though it is invisible, I still can feel it with my heart.

I am lucky to still have Ba by my side.

With loves,
From Đanchi